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March 31. 2020. Case N° 955 Administrative Court of Rabat Freedom of movement; separation of powers The Administrative Court of Rabat held that a Moroccan couple travelled to Spain could be legitimately denied the access to the national territory of Morocco until the travel ban would have been lifted by the Government of Morocco. A Moroccan couple travelled to Algeciras, Spain in March 2020. and they were baneed from returning to Morocco due to the public health travel restrictions ordered by the Government of Morocco. The couple turned to the Administrative Court of Rabat which admitted the request for review, but rejected the claim in substance. The Court considered that the travel restrictions constituted legitimate measures justified by the public health emergency, therefore, these orders should not be overruled by the judiciary, just by the Government itself. For this reason, the request of the couple was dismissed.
March 26. 2020. Case No. 210 Appellate Administrative Court in Rabat Freedom of movement; separation of powers The Appellate Administrative Court of Rabat held that a foreign citizen transiting through Morocco could not enter into the country and could not proceed with his tripbecause of the travel ban imposed by the Government of Morocco. A Libyan citizen was supposed to have an international flight through Morocco to Tunisia, but he was banned by the Moroccan authorities to enter into the country, then to proceed with his trip due to the travel restrictions imposed by the Government of Morocco. The first instance administrative court upheld the urgent request of the appellant and allowed him to enter into Morocco and to travel further towards Tunisia. However, the Government of Morocco submitted an appeal before the Appellate Administrative Court of Rabat, which accepted the governmental claim and banned the Libyan citizen from entering into Morocco. The Appellate Court argued that the travel restrictions could not be lifted unless the competent authority, the Government would decide from this, therefore, administrative courts have no competence to overrule such a governmental policy.