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June 5. 2020.   Constitutional Court of Burundi Right to vote; right to assembly The Constitutional Court of Burundi held that the 2020. presidential elections was constitutional, amongst other contests, the public health emergency context of the elections was also acknowledged. The incumbent president won the presidential elections in May 2020, however, oppositional groups and NGO-s rumoured severe fundamental right limitations and other irregularities during the election process. The opposition turned to the Constitutional Court and amongst others, the holding of political rallies with several participants despite the public health risks were also contested. For instance, the representative of the WHO in Burundi who criticized the huge in person campaign events of the incumbent president was expelled from the country. The Constitutional Court rejected all arguments of the opposition and upheld the outcome of the elections, the lack of public health adaptations was also held constitutional.       https://www.reuters.com/article/us-burundi-election-idUSKBN23C0GX/