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December 20. 2021. [2021] JMSC Civ. 194 Supreme Court of Jamaica Vaccination; labor law; dignity The Supreme Court of Jamaica refused to block the implementation of Digicel's mandatory vaccination policy. The Supreme Court of Jamaica heard a petition of an employee against the mandatory vaccination policy of Digicel as an employer. The Company obliged its employees to be vaccinated to maintain their current position. The petitioners requested preliminary injunction against the implementation of this policy, however, this was rejected by the Supreme Court as unfounded. The Supreme Court estimated, that the mandatory vaccination policy of the employer did not violate any constitutional right. https://supremecourt.gov.jm/sites/default/files/judgments/White%2C%20Doric%20v%20Digicel%20%28Jamaica%29%20Limited.pdf https://supremecourt.gov.jm/content/white-doric-v-digicel-jamaica-limited   http://radiojamaicanewsonline.com/local/supreme-court-denies-applications-for-injunction-brought-against-two-companies-in-relation-to-covid-19-vaccination-policies;
December 20. 2021. [2021] JMSC Civ 183 Supreme Court of Jamaica Vaccination; labor law; dignity The Supreme Court of Jamaica refused to block the implementation of Caribbean Med's mandatory vaccination policy. The Supreme Court of Jamaica heard a petition of an employee against the mandatory vaccination policy of Caribbean Med as an employer. The Company obliged its employees to be vaccinated to maintain their current position. The petitioners requested preliminary injunction against the implementation of this policy, however, this was rejected by the Supreme Court as unfounded. The Supreme Court estimated, that the mandatory vaccination policy of the employer did not violate any constitutional right. https://supremecourt.gov.jm/sites/default/files/judgments/Parkins%2C%20Kadian%2C%20Davis%2C%20Tashana%20et%20al%20v%20Cari-Med%20Group%20Limited%20and%20Kirk-FP%20Limited.pdf https://supremecourt.gov.jm/content/parkins-kadian-davis-tashana-et-al-v-cari-med-group-limited-and-kirk-fp-limited   http://radiojamaicanewsonline.com/local/supreme-court-denies-applications-for-injunction-brought-against-two-companies-in-relation-to-covid-19-vaccination-policies