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October 4. 2023.   Constitutional Court of Lithuania Vaccination; equality; right to conduct a business; freedom of assembly; right to privacy; protection of personal data The Constitutional Court of Lithuania held that the additional restrictions imposed by a governmental resolution on non-vaccinated persons were necessary and proportionate. The Vilnius- and Kaunas District Courts suspended two criminal proceedings against persons breaching quarantine regulations and contested the constitutionality of a governmental resolution imposing additional restrictions on non-vaccinated persons without Covid-19 certificate as regard right to conduct a business, freedom of assembly, right to privacy and protection of personal data. The Constitutional Court dismissed the claim and held that according to the scientific knowledge at that time, the Government had strong reasons to enact such measures. Therefore, the impugned measures were constitutional, even if were ordered by a governmental resolution rather than a law.;

January 24. 2023. ruling No KT8-N1/2023 Constitutional Court of Lithuania Freedom to conduct a business The Constitutional Court of Lithuania held that the prohibition of beauty services, and the postponement of all dental treatments except from very urgent cases during the public health emergency were in compliance with the Constitution. The Constitutional Court of Lithuania held that the prohibition of beauty services, and the postponement of all dental treatments except from very urgent cases during the public health emergency were in compliance with the Constitution.
October 12. 2022.   Constitutional Court of Lithuania Vaccination; labor law; dignity The Constitutional Court of Lithuania held that the duty of certain employees to be tested to retain their position or to be involved in certain activities is constitutional. Some oppositional parliamentarians approached the Constitutional Court of Lithuania to challenge the duty of certain employees to be tested to work in certain sectors or to be involved in certain activities. The submission detailed that this measure violated the right of these employees to choose freely their occupation. The Constitutional Court argued, that in the light of the pressing public health circumstances, the right to safe and healthy labor conditions should prevail over right to choose the occupation, therefore, the regulation was in line with the Constitution.
June 21. 2022. ruling No. KT79-N8/2022, case No. 10/2021 Constitutional Court of Lithuania Right to work; labor law The authorization provided for the National Public Health Centre to assign binding measures to employees of certain sectors during the public health emergency was constitutional. The authorization provided for the National Public Health Centre to assign binding measures to employees of certain sectors during the public health emergency was constitutional.;       
February 9. 2022.   Constitutional Court of Lithuania Covid-19 certificates Lithuania's Constitutional Court dropped a case initiated by oppositional parliamentarians on the legitimacy of COVID-19 certificates in the country, since the minister lifted these measures due to the quick spread of the Omicron variant at the beginning of 2022. The Constitutional Court of Lithuania dropped a case concerning the legitimacy of restrictions related to the introduction of Covid-passes in the country, since the Government As a result, stricter public health restrictions were reinstated as measures with general applicability.;
July 2. 2020. No. 1A-81/2020. Constitutional Court of Lithuania Freedom of movement The Constitutional Court of Lithuania rejected a claim against the quarantine measures ordered in the country in March 2020. hence the applicant failed to demonstrate the violation of her individual rights, the submission was just a general application without individual involvement. The Constitutional Court of Lithuania heard a case concerning the quarantine measures restricting freedom of movement and other fundamental rights on public health grounds in March 2020. The impugned decree prescribed that one should not leave the territory of Lithuania unless seeking medical assistance, accessing workplace, visiting real estate or visiting the funeral of a close relative, while other reasonable exceptions were also provided. The claimant argued, that this decree violated the fundamental rights of the citizens, especially freedom of movement. The Constitutional Court highlighted, that a constitutional complaint based on individual involvement was lodged, however, this was a general application rather than an individual claim, the appellant failed to demonstrate her personal involvement and the violation of her individual rights. As a consequence, the claim was dismissed without the examination of the merits.