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October 26. 2021. Nos 1758-1759/2021 Council of State of Greece Right to education; testing; rights of children The Council of State of Greece found that the mandatory self Covid-19-testing of teachers and pupils was constitutional during the public health emergency. The Greek Government enacted a decree imposing the duty on teachers and pupils to conduct regular self Covid-19-testing to be eligible to attend in person classes. 62 teachers and several parents of pupils turned to the Council of State and requested the review of this regulation. The Council of State upheld the constitutionality of the measure and dismissed the claim. The measure was proportionate and necessary for the protection of children and for the safeguard of reopening the in person education.
29.06.2021 Decision n. 133/2021 Greek Council of State Vaccination mandate; right to human dignity; right to exercise the chosen profession According to the Council of State, the vaccination mandate of the employees in the fire service is constitutional. In May 2021. the head of the Greek fire service rendered, that all persons should arrange an appointment for vaccination within one month; the non-compliance with this requirement would result a reallocation to an other unit of disaster management staff. Several members of the fire service contested this measure before the Council of State, but the validity of the act was upheld. The Court explained, that the measure did not forcibly required the vaccination, and the non-compliance did not lead to the termination of employment just a reallocation within the organisation to an other unity. The balancing of competing interests was deemed to be reasonable, and the submission of the petitioners was rejected.