Central African Republic

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June 5. 2020.   Constitutional Court of the Central African Republic Right to vote; Covid and parliaments; separation of powers The Constitutional Court of the Central African Republic held that the constitutional amendment from the extension of presidential and parliamentary mandates during the public health emergency was invalid. The presidential elections scheduled for December 2020. and the parliamentary elections scheduled for March 2021. should have been postponed due to the rising of the Covid-19 pandemic in the Central  African Republic. The Parliamented adopted a constitutional amendment without sitting, with the signatures of the parliamentarians to extend the presidential and parliamentary mandates until the end of the force majeure to bridge this period. The Constitutional Court during its mandatory a priory review of the constitutional amendment held that the collecting signatures did not constitute a proper proceeding for amending the Constitution even during the public health emergency; moreover, the Parliament itself should not extend its mandate without the due involvement of the society in this decision. As a consequence, at least an inclusive consultation should have been initiated, or a referendum should have been held from this matter, therefore, the constitutional amendment was invalid.       https://constitutionnet.org/news/covid-19-and-unamendable-limits-duration-presidential-and-legislative-terms-central-african;

