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Date Name of the case (or case number)   The body delivering the decision  Keywords, topic Executive part Brief summary Full text Page at the website of the issuing court Page in other databases Unofficial materials, press communications
August 30. 2020. No. 5260/2012, Hoof file No 87/12  Council of Constitutional Inquiry Right to vote The Council of Constitutional Inquiry in Ethiopia held that a regional law holding regional elections during the public health emergency despite the lockdown was unconstitutional. The Tigray regional State enacted regional electoral law to establish and conduct regional election during the public health emergency despite the country-wide lockdown. The Tigray Democratic party submitted constitutional interpretation case to the Council of Constitutional Inquiry, which declared this law unconstitutional. Regional authorities do not have competence to regulate on electoral matters, therefore, the regional authority overstepped the scope of its constitutional competences, so the regional law was unconstitutional.        
June 24. 2020. Benishangul Regional State Health Bureau v. Dr Biniam Bulti, CCI file No 7581/2015 Council of Constitutional Inquiry Discrimination; vertical separation of powers The Council of Constitutional Inquiry held that regional authorities should implement national public health measures during the lockdown period, a regional authority should not exempt itself from the scope of a law with general applicability. Benishangul Regional State refused to pay COVID-19 special remuneration to doctors and Nurses, claiming the federal Ministry of Health regulation didn’t bind them. The court ruled in favour of the healthcare workers, but the Regional State submitted constitutional interpretation case to the Council of Constitutional Inquiry. The Council of Constitutional Inquiry dismissed the application stating federal power during the pandemic were nationwide and equally applicable to all States, therefore a regional authority should not exempt itself from the scope of a law with general applicability.        
June 3. 2020. No. 83/20. Council of Constitutional Inquiry in Ethiopia Right to vote; Covid and parliaments The Council of Constitutional Inquiry held that the postponement of national and regional elections as well as the prolongement of parliamentary and governmental mandates are constitutional in the light of the extraordinary circumstances entailed by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Council of Constitutional Inquiry held that the postponement of national and regional elections as well as the prolongement of parliamentary and governmental mandates are constitutional in the light of the extraordinary circumstances entailed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
May 19. 2020. No. 5216/2020. Council of Constitutional Inquiry in Ethiopia Right to vote; Covid and parliaments The Council of Constitutional Inquiry held that the postponement of national and regional elections as well as the prolongement of parliamentary and governmental mandates are constitutional in the light of the extraordinary circumstances entailed by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Council of Constitutional Inquiry held that the postponement of national and regional elections as well as the prolongement of parliamentary and governmental mandates are constitutional in the light of the extraordinary circumstances entailed by the Covid-19 pandemic.